From Blondie vol 4 #194 an early ad with uncredited Arnold Schwarzenegger appearance. "Your manhood and virility "comes alive" and across swiftly to women-they instantly sense your sexual power and want to be in your arms!"
Oh my.

Not enough? Try this Life-Size Inflatable doll, this ad appears in Tiger vol 1 #4, 1970! " Hi I'm Judy, the Life-Size inflatable London doll made with startling detail....Just add air and instantly I become a 5'4" beauty who wears size 8 clothes. Take me along, or to a party, boating or swimming (I float)....Your (sic) bound to find hundreds of exciting and unusual uses for me."
I bet.
Not sexy enough, how about some violence! I found this ad in Archie vol 1 # 103, 1959. An "Exploding Army Hand Grenade, Exact Replica, only $1.00......It's completely harmless, but the explosion it makes can be heard for a block. Really scatters the gang when you throw this baby in their midst."
Uh huh.
Or this from SwampThing vol 2 #6, 1973, back cover. "Getting A Daisy BB Gun is like getting a good grade. You have to work for it....what kind of boy is ready for his Daisy? You can telll by the way he handles other things. Like school work, and jobs around the house. He knows how to take serious things seriously....Daisy since 1886, The BB Gun every boy dreams about. "

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