Closed October 31st, due to Power Outage!
Downtown London sinks into hole in ground! Aaaaaaaaagh! I am blogging from home to inform all of you that we are closed due to power failure! Egads! Apparently a water main burst at Dundas and Wellington and power is out throughout the downtown core. Here are a few of the signs sighted on our walkabout.

There were a few chuckles as the City of London calls it a special event! Yes, very special, indeed. Remind me to bring up repairing infrastructure as a priority to our City Hall the next time they bring up spending millions of dollars on a performing arts centre!
I remember the winter, a few years ago, when the power went out when the sewer blew up downtown. sheesh. Here are some of the scenes from downtown London. There were cops at all the Richmond Street intersections directing traffic and the buses were totally screwed up. Nobody knew where to catch their bus.

The comics have come in and have been counted, we will be open tomorrow as long as possible even if the power is not back on. Bring cash just in case! We can do credit card (members only) or cash if there is no power but not debit.
Hope things are somewhat back to normal tomorrow, Happy Halloween!
Links to Free Press here, and here, and here if you want to blog with Dan,
or here is the A Channel with video of the water in the sinkhole. ugh.