Magic: The Gathering: The (Very, very belated) Schedule of Events for April!
Hello, all! My April post is shamefully late, but nevertheless here. I am extremely happy to see everyone made it through the first few uncertain weeks safe and sound, and I am here again to guide us through the rest of April. Check the bottom of this post for exciting information regarding New Phyrexia Pre-orders!
The schedule for the rest of April is as follows:
Friday, April 15th- FNM, Standard. No entry fee, start time 6:15 p.m.
Sunday, April 17th - Casual Sunday Madness! Come try out your crazy EDH, Pauper, and what-have you concoctions! No entry fee, open gaming from 12:15 p.m. onward.
Monday, April 18th - Monday Night Drafting! $12 entry fee, three boosters and land provided. Start time 6:15 p.m. Rare Re-draft.
Friday, April 22nd - FNM, Standard. No Entry fee, start time 6:15 p.m. This is the last chance for you to test out that awesome Standard deck you'll be trying to win your National Invitation with!
Saturday, April 23rd - L.A. Mood's National Qualifier Tournament! Full details posted in a separate post. $10 entry fee, includes a lunch voucher for Los Comales, our next-door Latin Restaurant. Standard-legal deck required, 11:00 a.m. start.
Sunday, April 24th - Sunday Madness is CANCELED for this week. Enjoy your Easter!
Monday, April 25th - Monday Night Drafting! $12 entry fee, three boosters and land provided. Start time 6:15 p.m.
Friday, April 29th - FNM, Standard. No Entry fee, start time 6:15 p.m.
As many of you have seen, our FNM prize foil for this month is Artisan of Kozilek, with a snazzy new FNM foil layout and watermark and simply spectacular art!
BONUS! For all of our New Phyrexia Buy-A-Box Preorders, we are offering a very special deal for the release weekend: Pre-ordering a box and picking it up by Monday, May 16th entitles you not just to the promotional card "Surgical Extraction", but also a special release-weekend-only-price of a mere $100 per box, taxes included! Wow!
And, for the curious, Surgical Extraction looks like this:

Pre-order your box today!
Check in my next post for the full details of our National Tournament Qualifier!
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