LA Mood is your number one place for the coolest games, toys and comics available and we won't let you down this week!
Back in stock!
Tired of grueling apocalypse drills? Teach your kids the basics zombie survival AND have FUN with ZOMBICIDE! After purchasing it one happy customer described the game play like the video game Left for Dead-Only more fun! Now that's one heck of a great review!
Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game!

This popular game is back in stock but going faster than hyper drive! Grab a copy, jump in the cockpit of your X-Wing and take on the Empire...while supplies last!
Mice & Mystics

The evil Vanestra has turned the King's men into mice! Race through a castle now twenty times larger than before in order to save the day in this fun and exciting twist on the medieval game!
Mansions of Madness : Call of the Wild

Five new scenarios and eleven double-sided board tiles plunge investigators into the mysterious backwoods, shaking the foundations of what players have come to expect. Fun!
THE HOBBIT: On The Doorstep
The second expansion gives players the chance to participate directly in the thrilling narrative laid out by J.R.R. Tolkien in his beloved classic. It's the perfect game to tide you over until the 15 hour extended cut of The Hobbit comes out on DVD!
The Gatecrash Event Decks are in and they're so full of awesome cards they're going fast! Grab 'em while you can! Not being a Magic player all I know is they rattle when you shake them.

Wow this thing is cool!
This limited edition highly detailed statue replicates one of the most impressive moments from Season 2 of Game of Thones. It shows Tyrion Lannister, in full armor, as he enteres the fray of the Battle of Blackwater! Tyrion Lannister -Small in stature, big on courage!
D & D Dungeon Command!
We have 3 factions of this head-to-head miniatures game for 2-4 players. Blood of Gruumsh, Curse of Undeath, and Heart of Cormyr! You are playing as the commander of your warband, intent on defeating your opponents warband on the battlefield. Each Faction pack contains 12 pre-painted plastic miniatures, 12 Creature cards, and 36 Order cards to command those creatures with. Only have 1 Faction pack? That’s fine! There are rules included so you can break one faction pack up for a quick 2-player game! When's the last time you visited your grandma?
Kill Shakespeare Tide of Blood #1

This is the perfect issue for newcomers to jump into the series. If you are already a fan, the “Kill Shakespeare” series spins another great yarn of medieval adventure, fantasy, and dark magic. You have never seen an adaptation of Shakespeare’s works like this before.
Nova # 1

If ever there was a case of pairing an artist and story perfectly, this is it. Ed McGuinness' style fits Nova like a glove! Those unfamiliar with Nova will get his origin story and those familiar will appreciate new style and flair. Rad!

Justice League of America # 1
Collect all 52 variant covers!!
Batman Arkham City Figures Series 4!
The 4th series of figures from the critically acclaimed video game feature Deadshot, Nightwing, Batman, and Talia. The sculpts are just as incredible as the previous sets! Highly articulated! Highly detailed! Highly collectable!
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