Announcing: The Mirrodin Besieged Prerelease!
Hello to all our Magic Players!
As you know, the Mirrodin Besieged Prerelease is fast approaching - and there are some important details that make this a Prerelease unlike any you've attended before!

The cost of the packs will be $28. If you feel strongly about which faction you'd like to declare for, be sure to let me know but January 28th, so I can set your faction pack aside! All over faction packs will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.
In order to avoid confusion, I have decided on the following tournament organization rules:
1) There will not be submitted deck lists. Players will operate on the "honor system" regarding sideboarding in between events.
2) There will be deck logging - another player will open your packs and list the cards inside. However, unlike previous prereleases, there will not be pack swapping - the packs you purchased are the packs you will be playing with - you just won't be the one to open them!
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
As always, questions and comments can be directed towards
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