August Previews Update
orders due by August 25
orders due by August 25
Graphic Novels and Trade Paperbacks
Kill Shakespeare vol 2 TP
Finally it is solicited for preorder for an October release!

Meta Maus: A Look Inside a Modern Classic HC with DVD
Art Spiegelman re-enters the book that consumed him for over a decade, telling the story of how and why it was made, complete with audio archives of interviews with his father.

Two Generals SC by Scott Chantler
The story of Lew Chantler shipped out with his best friend Jack in 1943 with the Highland Light Infantry of Canada.

Wally Wood's EC Stories Artist Edition HC
Reprints some classic Wally Wood EC stories in the size it was originally drawn! Great Christmas present for the collector!
Comic Books
Star Trek and Legion of Superheroes#1 of 6
??IDW and DC get together for this combo!
Codeword: Geronimo (IDW)
The amazing moment-by-moment story of the clandestine raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan by SEAL Team 6.
Uncanny X-men #544 Final issue.
Wolverine & the X-men #1 begins, all-new ongoing by Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo.
Incredible Hulk #1, no information given, because it is CLASSIFIED! uh yeah.
Other Stuff

Walking Dead T-shirts and lunch boxes, mugs, lighters and pint glasses

Mass Effect Cerberus ship replica and playing cards from Dark Horse.

Speaking of playing cards, collect Beatles, Grateful Dead and Rush playing cards in fancy tin.
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