Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
New Comics not in until Monday December 31st! Sorry for the inconvenience. Tracking shows parcels left Montreal yesterday, and it always takes 2 business days from Montreal to get to London.
We don't know if that means there will be a delay for the next shipment,too. We are still hoping that we will have another shipment on Friday, January 4th. Cross your fingers!
Also: the Bargain basement will not be open Sunday or Monday, but the rest of the sales go on until the 31st as planned!
Monday, December 24, 2007
December 24 10 - 3PM
December 25 & 26 Closed
New Comics: Friday December 28
December 31 (New Year's Eve) 10 -4 PM
January 1st Closed
New Comics: Friday January 4
Boxing Week Sales!!!!
December 27 - 31
25% off Premium Back Issues
50% off Regular Back Issues
30% off Toys & Statues
25% off Games
50% off T-shirts
25% off Trade Paperbacks & Graphic Novels
Bargain Basement:
Selected Comics, Toys, Magazines
3 for $1.00!!!
Heroclix Events For January
Most Events Start at
10th M&M Week 5 Sealed Event
Buy 2 boosters of Mutations & Monsters & Build a 300 pt team
Prize: Esme Cuckoo LE
19th M&M Week 6 Floor Event
Build a 300 pt team, 50% must be from Mutations & Monsters
Prize: Incredible Hulk LE
26th M&M Week 7 Floor Event
Build a 300 pt team, 50% must be from Mutations & Monsters
Prize: Proteus LE
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Heroclix Events For December
Events Start at 11am
8th M&M Week 2 Floor Event
Build a 300 pt team, 50% must be from Mutations & Monsters
Prize: Shockwave Feat
15th M&M Week 3 Floor Event
Build a 300 pt team, 50% must be from Mutations & Monsters
Prize: Protected Feat
22h M&M Week 2 Constructed
Build a 300 pt team
Prize: Eleha’al Vine Object
Friday, December 07, 2007
December FNM at l.a. mood: -- Prize is Force Spike!
December 7th -- Standard, no after draft.
December 14th -- Standard, no after draft.
December 21st -- Draft, with after draft.
December 28th -- Draft, with no after draft.
January FNM at l.a. mood: -- Prize is foil Remand! (allegedly)
January 4th -- Standard, with after draft
January 11th -- Draft, with after draft
January 18th -- Standard, with no after draft
January 25th -- Draft, with after draft
Other Events:
December 19th -- Coldsnap draft, with lots of rare prizes!
In honour of the snowy weather we're getting, we'll be drafting Coldsnap. Come down and draft up a snow-storm. There will be a fifteen dollar entry fee that pays for your packs. As well, we will be awarding rares for each match win, consolation rares for anyone who doesn't win a single match, and a bonanza of prizes for the top finisher!
February 3rd -- Morningtide Release event
l.a. mood will be holding it's Morningtide release event on Sunday the 3rd of February. It'll be a Sealed deck event, and rumour has it Wizards is sending us a load of prize support. Keep your eyes on this space for more details!
Lastly, please note that starting in the new year, all FNM events will begin promptly at 6:00pm.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
New Magic: the Gathering cards at l.a. mood.
We've recently acquired a new collection of magic cards, and we thought we'd try to tempt our loyal readers into coming down and picking up some great deals.
Some of the new cards include:
~ 2 Fact or Fiction
~ 4 Plow Under
~ 1 Call of the Herd
~ 1 Teferi
~ 1 Shivan Reef (Apocalypse)
~ 4 Urza block Treetop Villages
~ 4 Urza block Confiscate
As well as many more popular rares and uncommons! Come on down, and peek inside our display case and the "good stuff" binder. Remember that everything in the good stuff binder is also 50% off for FNM players on Friday!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Come on down and check out these great new product just in time for Christmas:
Marvel Heroclix: Mutations and Monsters
Starcraft: The Board Game
World of Warcraft the Board Game
World of Warcraft the Collectable Card Game
Eye of Judgement boosters
Settlers of Catan: 4th Edition
Heroes Hardcover
How the Grinch Stole Christmas toy figures from McFarlane Toys
Beowulf action figures
Beowulf the Board Game
300 Replica Helmet
300 Replica Spartan Shield
300 Replica sword
Back in stock:
V for Vendetta talking figure
Axis and Allies Revised Edition and Axis and Allies Battle of the Bulge at great new prices!
and so much more!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Important! Look Here!
(Edited November 17th)
In addition to the November FNM events listed below, l.a. mood has the following magic events scheduled.
November 15th - Extended tournament
Registration starts at 5:30, and the first round begins promptly at 6pm. The entry fee is $5 and there will be some serious prizes. (Including a Revised Savannah if we have at least 12 players!)
December 7th -- FNM -- Standard
December 14th -- FNM -- Standard
December 21st -- FNM -- Draft
December 28th -- FNM -- Draft
Please note that there may or may not be afterdrafts for the December FNMs.
Be sure to contact me through this blog, at the store, or at FNM to let me know if you'd like other magic events in December. I'll have more free time after December 15th, and so I'll be able to run whatever sorts of events you guys want, so long as you tell me what they are!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
L.A. Mood's is the first London comic store to sell their comics at US Cover prices! The dollar has been so good that 3 weeks ago we went ahead and did it. All new comics and trade paperbacks coming from Diamond Comic Distributors are priced at US cover price regardless of any suggested Canadian cover price!
From the London Free Press, Gord is described "Holding a Wolverine Evolution graphic novel in his hands, it lists for $19.99US and $32.00 Canadian, meaning shoppers can buy it for $20 Canadian at his store"
Of course, our trade paperbacks have been coming down in price for many months, but now you can enjoy the savings on your new issues too! Shop Canadian!, Shop Downtown! Shop L.A. Mood's!
30% off all in stock
November 9 - 25
(Sorry, no holds or layaways)
This will be our only Statue sale before Christmas! At 30% off, there is no need to go to the US for these hard to find items! Thinking of buying these from others on-line? Think again. International shipping is expensive, statues being bulky and heavy, and what if it arrives damaged? Replacements and refunds can take so long. Visit L.A. Mood's, see what you are buying, go home satisfied!
Saturday, November 3rd
Thanks to our DM's: Jeff, Paul, Dylan, and Charles! Good job!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Downtown London sinks into hole in ground! Aaaaaaaaagh! I am blogging from home to inform all of you that we are closed due to power failure! Egads! Apparently a water main burst at Dundas and Wellington and power is out throughout the downtown core. Here are a few of the signs sighted on our walkabout.

There were a few chuckles as the City of London calls it a special event! Yes, very special, indeed. Remind me to bring up repairing infrastructure as a priority to our City Hall the next time they bring up spending millions of dollars on a performing arts centre!
I remember the winter, a few years ago, when the power went out when the sewer blew up downtown. sheesh. Here are some of the scenes from downtown London. There were cops at all the Richmond Street intersections directing traffic and the buses were totally screwed up. Nobody knew where to catch their bus.

The comics have come in and have been counted, we will be open tomorrow as long as possible even if the power is not back on. Bring cash just in case! We can do credit card (members only) or cash if there is no power but not debit.
Hope things are somewhat back to normal tomorrow, Happy Halloween!
Links to Free Press here, and here, and here if you want to blog with Dan,
or here is the A Channel with video of the water in the sinkhole. ugh.
Monday, October 29, 2007
November 2nd -- Draft
November 9th -- Standard
November 16th -- Draft
November 23rd -- Standard
November 30th -- Sealed deck
Please note that at this time we are expecting to hold afterdrafts following each of the above events. As well, note that the entry fee for the November 30th Sealed will be twenty five dollars, and will include some prize support.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Heroclix Events For November
Most Events Start at
10th Fan Favorite
Build a 1000 pt team
Prize: Random LE
29th Thurs
Mutations & Monsters New Guy Night
Bring a friend and enjoy some casual play
NGN Figure: Rampaging Hulk
Dec 1st Mutations & Monsters Sealed
Buy two boosters of Mutations & Monsters & then build a 300 pt team
Prize: To be Announced
Monday, October 22, 2007

and the Fellowship Prize; the rare Johnny Thunder

while Darryl tangles with Nolan
Onward to the Championship Round

and super-rare Time Trapper

and starro slave Green Arrow
and the winner of Fellowship

Which makes our Champion.......

Friday, October 05, 2007
Events Start at 11am
6th Starro Attacks! Week 3
Buy two boosters of Justice League & build a 300 pt Team
Participation Prize: Green Arrow Starro Slave
Prize: Champion Bye, worth 600 pts
13th Starro Attacks Week 4
Buy two boosters of Justice League & build a 300 pt Team
Participation Prize: Green Lantern Starro Slave
Prize: Champion Bye, worth 600 pts
20th Starro Attacks! Champion Event
Buy two boosters of Justice League & build a 300 pt Team
1st Place Prize: STARRO!
Fellowship Prize: Johnny Lighting!
27th The Witch's Brew
Build a 600 pt team, It must include one monster or mystic figure
Prize: A Random LE from Wizkids
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Wizards has sent us some great goodies, including an incredible prize foil, which will be given to participants, while supplies last.
The tournament will be run in standard sealed format, with no cut to top 8. Prizes will be given to the best finishers, as well as to others who win door prizes.
Once the main event is over, we will host sanctioned drafts for as long as people want to stay and draft. The entry fee for each draft will be ten dollars.
If you have any questions, feel free to post them, or stop by the store and chat with Justin.
See you all then!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
As many of you know the Canadian Loon is really doing well against the American Buck. Headlines on the news indicate an on par Dollar. However, the reality is never so simple. We have yet to pay this "on par dollar" with Diamond. Lately, however, each week is a lower rate than the last. We have resisted repricing the Canadian suggested retail on the hundreds of comics we receive each week; for the 20 cents you would save, it would cost us more in labour, bags and price stickers, and talk about time consuming! We have continued to lower the prices of our graphic novels and trade paperbacks. We feel we have the best prices in town for these!
But the Canadian dollar is getting stronger each week and we want to pass these savings on to you , so we offer the following:
An extra 10% off your membership discount if you pick up your new comics on Wednesdays only, after noon
From now until October 31st.
After that we will review the situation and if the dollar holds steady to par, then we will sell the new comics at the US cover price in Canadian Dollars!!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Magic events for October
October 5th -- FNM -- Standard
October 12th -- FNM Lorwyn Draft
October 14th -- 10:30 am -- Lorwyn Release Tournament
October 19th -- FNM Lorwyn Draft
October 26th -- FNM Standard (Lorwyn in, Ravnica out)
Keep your eyes peeled for a more detailed post regarding the release tournament, and remember that $10 drafts (sanctioned, if we have enough people) will occur after every FNM!
Also, remember that time is running out on your chance to pre-order Lorwyn booster boxes! Come in to the store and reserve yours today!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wiz Kids actually sent us the banner before the tournament! Good going Wiz Kids! If you keep this up, you'll actually make the big league!
Yesterday's 'Roll the Bones and Save Day' was a great success! Gordzilla reports the Rush concert was "Excellent! They only get better with age!"
Friday, September 07, 2007
A space has cleared in Elthy-san's schedule this month, so I am happy to announce that on Tuesday September 11th we will be holding a sanctioned Vintage tournament in the Underground.
I am working Tuesday night, so the doors won't open until approximately 6:15, and the event will start between 6:30 and 6:45.
So be sure to bring out your Type 1 deck and come out for some ratings points and a whole lot of fun!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Check out these great sales!
September 7 - 22
25% off
all in stock graphic novels &
comic related trade paperbacks & hardcovers
Now is the time to pick up that copy of Watchmen or 300 you wanted! Maybe even start your Christmas shopping early!
Gordzilla is so happy his favourite band Rush is coming to London on September 12 at the JLC! So happy that he wants to have a Roll the Bones Sale on September 12
September 12 only!
Roll the dice for your discount on all purchases!
Up to an extra 12% off
Check out our new look!

Thursday, August 30, 2007
We will be holding three qualifying tournaments in the coming weeks for the Lorwyn Pre-Release Invitational.
These tournaments will be our Xth edition draft on Friday August 31st (falling back to the draft on Thursday September 6th if necessary), our Standard FNM on Friday September 7th and our Timespiral block draft FNM on Friday September 14th.
Aside from having a slightly more stringent application of the rules to respect the greater prize available, the tournaments will be run like normal.
At each event, the winner will receive an invitation to the tournament. If the player already has an invite, the invite will be passed down to the next highest finisher. If the player doesn't want the invite, they may give it to any other individual. (And are strongly encouraged to do this, so we can send as many players as possible.)
Lorwyn Pre-Release Invitational Championship
The Invitational Championship will be held in Toronto on Sunday September 29th. The event will be run by Skyfox games, and there will be no entry fee to participate.
The tournament will be Lorwyn sealed deck, and there is very extensive prize support.
All members of the top 8 receive a limited edition play-mat, as well as the following prizes --
1st place -- 3 boxes of Lorwyn and free admission to all Skyfox Premier Events for a year! (estimated at $200 value!)
2nd place -- 1 box of Lorwyn
3rd/4th place -- 1/2 a box of Lorwyn
5th-8th place -- 1/4 a box of Lorwyn
(Prizes based on attendance of at least 64 players)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Heroclix Events For September
Events Start at 11am
8th Look up in the Sky
Come on out for some casual play and have a good time! Justice League will be in stock!!
15th Fan favorite
Build a 1000 pt team,
Prize: A Random LE from WKs
22nd Starro Attacks! Week 1
Buy two boosters of Justice League &
Build a 300 pt team
Participation Prize: Flash Slave
29th Starro Attacks! Week 2
Buy two boosters of Justice League &
Build a 300 pt team
Participation Prize: Aquaman Slave
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thursday September 6th -- Booster Draft (let me know what format!)
FNM September 7th -- Standard
FNM September 14th -- Booster Draft
FNM September 21st -- Standard
FNM September 28th -- Booster Draft
All events start between 6 and 6:15 pm in the l.a. mood underground. However, if you need boosters for an event that's not on Friday, show up early, because l.a. mood closes at 6pm sharp.
If Thursday isn't a good day for you, let me know what is. I want to run two events a week, FNM plus some other day, so I need to know what makes people happy.
We have FNM prizes for September! They're incredibly sexy foil Wing Shards.
Due to high demand, as early as August 31st I will have a supply of boosters available in the basement. If there is any interest, I am willing to run unsanctioned booster drafts (team drafts or pods, depending on the number of players) after our usual FNM event. Please bring 10 dollars per bonus event you would like to play in. Please note that the entrance cost for FNM drafts remains the same, the extra low price of the bonus drafts is a small reward for the hard-core players who stick it out for multiple events!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Special thanks to Jason for donating extra prizes and for taking pictures.
Now onward to the pics
Winner of an Extra Set of Heralds from having the highest point total of all 5 events
Another Winner of an extra set of Heralds
Winner of the Galactus; Devourer of Worlds
who comes in mighty pink box
Don't forget that Justice League releases in the first week of Sept.
Starro Attacks Events starts in Sept
Saturday, August 04, 2007
10th - Draft with 3 packs of 10th Ed
Crazy Draft with 3 different packs
17th - Standard
Friday, August 03, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Heroclix Events For August
Events Start at 11am
4th Coming of Galactus Week 4
Buy two boosters of Avengers and
Build a 300 pt team
Participation Prize: Stardust
11th Coming of Galactus Championship Event
Buy two boosters of Avengers &
Build a 300 pt team
Prize: Galactus
18th Take and Hold
Build a 700 pt team, each fig adjacent to the goal earns 50 extra points
Prize: A Random LE from Wizkids
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
From Blondie vol 4 #194 an early ad with uncredited Arnold Schwarzenegger appearance. "Your manhood and virility "comes alive" and across swiftly to women-they instantly sense your sexual power and want to be in your arms!"
Oh my.

Not enough? Try this Life-Size Inflatable doll, this ad appears in Tiger vol 1 #4, 1970! " Hi I'm Judy, the Life-Size inflatable London doll made with startling detail....Just add air and instantly I become a 5'4" beauty who wears size 8 clothes. Take me along, or to a party, boating or swimming (I float)....Your (sic) bound to find hundreds of exciting and unusual uses for me."
I bet.
Not sexy enough, how about some violence! I found this ad in Archie vol 1 # 103, 1959. An "Exploding Army Hand Grenade, Exact Replica, only $1.00......It's completely harmless, but the explosion it makes can be heard for a block. Really scatters the gang when you throw this baby in their midst."
Uh huh.
Or this from SwampThing vol 2 #6, 1973, back cover. "Getting A Daisy BB Gun is like getting a good grade. You have to work for it....what kind of boy is ready for his Daisy? You can telll by the way he handles other things. Like school work, and jobs around the house. He knows how to take serious things seriously....Daisy since 1886, The BB Gun every boy dreams about. "

Friday, July 06, 2007
Heroclix Events For July
Most Events Start at
7th Cause We’re gonna be at 300 for awhile
1000 pts
Prize: A random LE from Wizkids
Buy two boosters of Avengers and
Build a 300 pt team
Participation Prize: Silver Surfer
21st Coming of Galactus Week 2
Buy two boosters of Avengers &
Build a 300 pt team
Participation Prize: Terrax the Tamer
28th Coming of Galactus Week 3
Buy two boosters of Avengers and
Build a 300 pt team
Participation Prize: Firelord
Monday, June 25, 2007
We're having a 13 day Back Issue Sale starting on Friday, July 13th and ending on Wednesday, July 25th.
50% off Regular Back Issues
25% off Premium Back Issues ($19.95 and up)
Tip your hat to the black cat, drop your mirror, step on the cracks and walk under a ladder and we'll see you there!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Friday May 25th at 4pm Character creation and registration will begin.
The game will enclude 4 parties racing for treasure in the same dungeon. Prizeses will be awarded to the winning party. The game will run through June and will be every Friday from 4pm until 9pm
Character creation includes 25 point system to build, and can be made 5th level but only using material from the Players Handbook. Starting Equipment will be given on the first night, so don't worry about buying equipment.
Any Questions Contact Johnathon at L.A. Mood on Tuesdays from 2 till 6 pm.
FNM For the Rest of MAY
May 18th - Draft
May 25th - Standard
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Another success full Free Comic Book Day! We gave away over 1000 free comics! I am soooo tired, but happy! Superman had a great time meeting all his fans and having his photo taken. You can view all the photos by clicking on one of the photos on the flickr badge on the sidebar. You can then view them as a slideshow or individually or click here to start.
Dan Brown from the London Free Press reports he had a fun time blogging about the event. You can read his blog here. We had fun sharing the event with him and thank him for giving up his Saturday to be with us! It was an awesome day!!!!!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Sunday May 6th, 12:30 pm L.A. Mood Underground
The Future Sight release tournament will take place the day After Free Comic Book Day.
The Entrance fee will be 25$ and will include 5 boosters used for the Sealed event. Prizes will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place, and additional Door prizes will be available, plus the first 30 registered will recive a Foil Release card. Registration will begin at noon.
May 4th, One booster each of Timespril, Planar chaos, and Future Sight
May11th, Standard
Both Tournaments will begin at 6:15 and registrations will begin at 5:45
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
No not by us, we'll be too busy that day! Dan Brown of the London Free Press will be spending the day with us giving his readers a play-by-play account of the adventures of a comic book store on Free Comic Book Day!
Be sure to say hello to Dan, when you stop by on Free Comic Book Day, on Saturday May 5th!
Friday, April 13, 2007
I've been turned off by many products from the big two recently, but this news, I just got to share.
Gail Simone one of DC's best writers is leaving one of my favorite comics Birds of Prey, and while that is sad news for me, the reason why is worth it......
Gail Simone is going to be writing Wonder Woman!!!
This is great news, as I loved the Greg Rucka run on Wonder Woman, and was greatly disappointed with the writing done by Allan Heinberg, (not too mention the crazy amount of delays on it) But this may just shoot this book back to being my favorite ongoing comic
Gail Simone starts with issue #13, which is after the two tie ins to Amazons Attack.
An artist has yet to be named for her run.
check out the interview here on Newsarama
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
April 6th, Standard
April 13th, Extended
April 20th, Standard
April 27th, Draft
These are Sanctioned tournaments but will not have FNM prizes.
Points are given based on placement at all four tournaments and a box of Future sight will be awarded to the winner over all.
Monday, April 09, 2007
For those who don't know what this fantastic event is about, a brief summary: FCBD is a North America wide event where comic book stores get together with publishers and distributors to give away comic books. Specially printed books by dozens of publishers are made just for this event. It is an effort to bring back the fun in reading and collecting comic books. This idea was the brain child of Joe Field of Flying Colors Comics, who managed to bring the idea to Diamond Comic Distributors, and then eventually the major publishers Marvel and DC. The idea was well received by retailers and fans, where ever it was brought up for discussion. The first Saturday in May, 2002, was chosen for the inaugural launch and it was a resounding success!
We haven't looked back since! Here in London, Ontario, L.A. Mood Comics & Games makes it an even better event by teaming up with 4 other stores in town for an exclusive Comic Shop Crossover!!!! Pick up a passport at any of the 5 participating stores, and get your passport stamped at each of the 5 participating stores, drop it off at the last store, and you will have a chance to win one of many prizes donated by those awesome stores!!! Free comics! Prizes! Sales! I heard a rumour that Superman will put in an appearance at L.A. Mood's between 11 and 3!!! Awesome!
Passports are now available at the following stores:
L.A. Mood Comics & Games, 350 Richmond St.
Heroes, 179 Dundas St.
The Comic Book Collector, 610 Dundas St.
Neo Tokyo: The Anime Store, 610 Dundas St.
Worlds Away, 666 Dundas St.
You can check out photos from past Free Comic Book Days at L.A. Mood's, by clicking on one of the photos in the flikr badge in the sidebar or here. We also have this awesome countdown clock counting down the days, hours and minutes to Free Comic Book Day! You can also check out this website that is dedicated to all things FCBD at If you have enjoyed FCBD or Comic Shop Crossover in the past, please feel free to leave a comment about what a great time you had, so we can pass this message on to others, and definitely send your friends a link to this page, so they can know about FCBD, too!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Yes, we were visited by aliens on Tuesday afternoon! Meet the London Rogues, members of the Star Wars Fan-Force! They would like you to know about their Star Wars 30th Anniversary Event. The celebration will be held at Springbank Park, May 18th, between 4-8PM. Some of the events include a costume contest, of course, and a lightsaber tournament, and prizes!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Heroclix Events For April
Events Start at 11am
7th Teammate in Trouble!
700 Point, 1 figure of each team is held captive and must be rescued before it can be given actions
Prize: Arthur Douglas LE
14th Heavyweights
151 to 200 pts, Only One figure allowed
Prizes: Victor Shade LE
21st 4 X 4
400 pts must have 4 figs no more mo less
Prize: : Animal Master LE
28th Invitational Qualifier
Buy three Boosters and build a 300 Army
5th Alien Invasion
Everyone Vs a 1000 pts of Aliens & the Alien Queen with Her Egg Sac.
Point total depends on Attendance of Players
19th It's my Party and The Monster are Invited!
800 pt team, It's the Rave of the Year and the Local Monsters have found it!
More Victims than you can shake a stick at!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
To whom do super heroes leave their legacy, when they die? Check out this link to find out.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Here's London Free Press' Dan Brown's take on the demise of Captain America. You can read it here.
Please feel free to let us know what you think about Captain America, Civil War or the direction Marvel comics is going in the comments.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sunday, March 11 at Noon-ish, John will be hosting the first ever Munchkin Tournament! Call us crazy but it's true! Kill the Monsters! Steal the Treasue! Stab your Buddy!
Fast-playing and silly! All are welcome!
The following weekend Jeff and Andrea will be hosting Board Game Days! Here's your chance to try out some new games or just have a good time playing with some new friends.
An exclusive board game coupon will be given out to all who participate as well as a few door prizes. So come on down and have a good time!
Drop in and Play!
Saturday & Sunday, March 17 & 18
Arkham Horror
3-6 PM
Starfarers of Catan
Lord of the Rings
Sunday, March 18
12-3 PM
Puerto Rico
Ticket to Ride
open table
3-6 PM
Settlers of Catan
Monsters Menace America
D&D Miniatures Game